Hypnotherapy News, Updates, Research & Vlogs
Caroline Prout
Moving for your Mental Health We all know that movement is beneficial for our physical health but did you know ...
Kerry Seymour
Are we living in a more stressful world? Here at Inspired to Change, we often hear from our clients that ...
Caroline Prout
What does living a solution focused life mean? 'Solution focused' means we actively encourage our brains to view the inevitable ...
Carmen Harrington
Inspired to Change Market Harborough based Hypnotherapist, Carmen Harrington, explains what it means for her to live a solution focused ...
Claire Noyelle
Does Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Really Help to Reduce Alcohol Intake? Claire Noyelle, takes a look at how solution focused hypnotherapy ...
Claire Noyelle
Have you ever thought about the small changes that happen in your mind? Claire Noyelle, our Maidstone based associate, ...
Claire Noyelle
Did you know that time to play is important for adults as well as children? Claire Noyelle takes a ...
Claire Noyelle
Claire Noyelle explores the reasons behind the recent increase in Emotionally Based School Avoidance and what can be done to support ...
Claire Noyelle
How does napping benefit our mental wellbeing? As a species, humans are the only ones that will deliberately deprive themselves ...
Dawn Ibbetson
How imposter syndrome started for me When most people think of me or see me, they might think of my ...