Can Hypnotherapy Reduce Anxiety?

Can Hypnotherapy Reduce Anxiety?

Here at Inspired to Change Hypnotherapy we help many people reduce their anxiety levels and move forward with their lives. With 1 in 6 of us suffering from anxiety it’s refreshing to find there is a solution that doesn’t involve medication.

Follow the stories of some of our clients below and find out how hypnotherapy helped them reduce anxiety.

Linda had been struggling to deal with her anxiety for a while before she tried hypnotherapy with Caroline in our Northants clinic.

“I had been quite low in spirit and unable to cope with normal daily life, tearful, tired and feeling anxious a lot of the time. My sleep patterns were disturbed so I was getting up through the night every couple of hours. I had been putting up with this way of life for some time when a friend put me in touch with Caroline.

Caroline was breath of fresh air. She explained easily and kindly to me how and why I was feeling like I was without me having to unload all the stuff going on in my head. As I listened to her and began to understand my own head I began to feel better. Knowing I could make the difference to myself was surprisingly reassuring. Then I started her audio CD for relaxation every night and from day one I slept all night!

I found working with Caroline was so easy, she has a way of relaxing you from the outset and because of that I could understand what she was teaching me. She made me feel safe and that I wasn’t going mad! With the knowledge Caroline has given me of learning to relax, think positively and how to keep my serotonin levels up I feel sure this will help me in the future.

“Hypnotherapy has made my life enjoyable again!”

Donna had spent years letting her anxiety and fears rule her life before she saw Sarah in our Cambridge clinic.

“Exams, tests, interviews were far too much for me to deal with. This meant I didn’t fulfill my potential because I wouldn’t do them because I couldn’t face it. Or I would do them but it would take over my life in the build up to them. Friends and family would suffer because I became a horrible person to be around in the lead up to such events.

I would find it hard to deal with new people and to stick with things because I felt judged or silly. Sarah made me feel relaxed, listened to, a normal person trying to conquer a normal fear.

Sarah has given me the tools and coping strategies to keep working on improving how I deal with my anxiety and fears. I know they are still there but I will no longer let them hold me back.

I am calmer, I can think through situations that would normally bring on a large amount of stress and work through it. Things in my life that I cant change I have been able to put in a place where I know they are there but they do not cause me stress day by day. I will face stressful situations that once I would have not put myself through i.e a promotion process.

“My friends and family see a different me a nicer calmer me.”

Hank saw Ali in our Maidstone clinic. He was happily married with lots of interests but his anxiety had lead to him suffering with panic attacks. He found travel and crowds difficult which meant he could no longer engage in some of his favourite activities.

“I was suffering with anxiety which was making life difficult. I had tried medication and counselling but neither had been of much use. I decided to try hypnotherapy because of a variety of people testifying to its effectiveness.

Ali quickly put at ease and everything was explained very well. I have gained some very useful insights into the way I think and how I can overcome the anxiety that I had been struggling with before the sessions began.

“I feel much better equipped to deal with the issues that had been causing me problems now.”

Towards the end of his sessions Hank mentioned he was looking to change careers and asked Ali about training to become a solution focused hypnotherapist, because he had found the insights into the brain fascinating. We are delighted to learn that he started his training earlier this year and we can’t wait to celebrate with him when he qualifies!

If you would like to explore how hypnotherapy can help you overcome an addiction get in touch to book your FREE initial consultation with your local Inspired to Change hypnotherapist. Inspired to Change Hypnotherapists are based across the UK in Bristol, Cambridgeshire, Devon, Kent, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk and Somerset.

Inspired to Change Hypnotherapists are all recognised by the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association.

To find out how you can train as a solution focused hypnotherapist click here for our hypnotherapy school information

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