How Hypnotherapy Helped Me After A Stroke

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Hypnotherapy After a Stroke

I suffered a massive stroke four years ago and lost both parents in the same year. When I saw Claire I was at rock bottom, I had lost the use of my right arm and leg and my confidence. Over the last year or so I have worked with Claire and bit by bit she has helped me overcome the daily anxieties of everyday living. The strongest message I got from Claire is that I will and I can. Through hypnosis, she helped me go on holiday with my family and overcome my fears. I have had many ups and downs emotionally and Claire has helped me through the various emotions I have had. I would definitely recommend hypnotherapy to other stroke victims. Claire has been my backbone over the last year. I have returned to work, learnt to walk and other everyday tasks are getting easier, even cooking!  My family really noticed a difference after I had worked with Claire – Thank you, Claire, I wouldn’t have done it without you!

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