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Top Tips to Maintain a Healthy Brain

Top Tips to Maintain a Healthy Brain

I’ve talked in earlier blogs about hacking your neurotransmitters to make you more motivated, about why we love hugs, and about what your brain is doing when you have a meltdown. But as well as knowing how to hack it, we should really go back to basics and talk about...

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How Can We Celebrate Neurodiversity?

How Can We Celebrate Neurodiversity?

First, lets understand what neurodiversity is... Neurodiversity, or being ‘neurodivergent' refers to the concept of accepting that having a brain that works in a different way is simply a natural human variation, like height or hair colour. The ‘different way’ in...

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10 Common Hypnotherapy Myths

10 Common Hypnotherapy Myths

Part of my role as a hypnotherapist seems to be to talk to people about what hypnotherapy actually IS, and equally what it ISN’T! So, in this blog I thought it might be interesting to talk about some of the common  hypnotherapy myths, and set a few of those...

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Men and Addiction

Men and Addiction

Men and Addiction Addiction affects men and women differently. Statistically, men are more likely to become addicted than women - why is that? For a start, men are more inclined to indulge in behaviour deemed to be risky. In fact, it’s encouraged in men and can be...

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Top Tips for Getting Back Out in the World

Top Tips for Getting Back Out in the World

Top Tips for Getting Back Out in the World  As the world starts to open up once more, with less of a tadaaaa and more like a cautious rabbit emerging from its burrow, we look at how you might be feeling about going back out into the world. To do this we spoke to...

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Top Tips for Teens

Top Tips for Teens

Top Tips for Teens  I work with a lot of teenage clients, they’re a part of my hypnotherapy practice that I really enjoy. Without exception, they are funny, interesting, interactive and talented. Yet I know that’s not always how they behave! Their parents and...

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The Truth About Teenagers

The Truth About Teenagers

The Truth About Teenagers  Teenagers’ stereotype is that they’re rude, lazy, and irrational. They spend too much time on social media, on their phones and on their games consoles. They sleep too much, and they eat too much. They don't talk enough. Don't work hard...

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Top Tips for Connecting with Nature

Top Tips for Connecting with Nature

Top Tips for Connecting with NatureAs humans we are also animals, so we’re supposed to get outside and be in nature. It can be one of the greatest joys in life to be observant and really look and feel part of your surroundings. Connecting with nature can help you to...

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About ITC

Inspired to Change Hypnotherapy is the leading provider of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Services in the UK. We use modern, clinically proven techniques to help our clients achieve positive outcomes.