for children

Is Your Child an Orchid or a Dandelion?
Is Your Child an Orchid or a Dandelion? Our Devon-based associate, Emma Treby, is well known here at Inspired to Change, for…

ADHD Awareness Month – How can ADHD be managed?
October is ADHD Awareness Month My son has ADHD, and believe me – like most other parents in that position, I am…

ADHD Awareness Month – What is ADHD?
October is ADHD Awareness Month My son has ADHD, and believe me – like most other parents in that position, I am…

Back To School… FINALLY!
Back to School… FINALLY! Here at Inspired to Change our Childhood Specialist, Kathryn Johannes takes a look at how we can help…

Happy Parents, Happy Children?
Happy Parents, Happy Children? Is Putting Yourself First As a Parent Selfish? Are your child’s reactions seemingly exaggerated or are they triggered…

Life Lessons from Winnie the Pooh
Life Lessons from Winnie The Pooh Until a couple of weeks ago I was not even aware that there was such…

Start the New School Year in a Positive Way with Hypnotherapy
How to start the new school year positively Starting a new school year can be daunting for students, parents and teachers….

Top Tips for Heading Back to School
Top Tips for Heading Back to School Change can be good, but it’s not always easy. So what can we do to…

Back to School – No Worries!
Back to School – No Worries! New uniform bought, stationery and books packed, holiday projects complete…September can only mean one thing –…

How Hypnotherapy Helped My School Anxiety
Before seeing Claire I had severe anxiety about school. For example, not wanting to talk to people and getting anxious about exams…
Hypnotherapy for Childhood Anxiety
Hypnotherapy for Childhood Anxiety Caroline has worked wonders with my daughters anxiety and worry issues, from the first session she was more…

How Hypnotherapy Helped My Child’s Anxiety
Hypnotherapy for Childhood Anxiety My 9-year-old daughter had been having problems sleeping and finding coping with stressful situations really difficult. She was…