Hypnotherapy For Panic Attacks

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What are panic attacks and panic disorder?

Experiencing a panic attack can be overwhelming. Suddenly, without warning, intense waves of anxiety engulf you. These give rise to what is commonly known as a panic attack or anxiety attack.

Panic attacks are usually brief, lasting 5 to 20 minutes and peaking within the first 10 minutes. They can be intense and catch you off guard. It is often hard to identify an external trigger for them.

Panic disorder may be diagnosed after four or more attacks. These attacks then become catalysts for persistent anxiety and heightened panic. It’s as if your body’s natural fear response has been magnified. Your body responds excessively to perceived danger, stress, or excitement. This can further complicate the challenges you face with panic disorder.

Most panic attacks last between 5 and 20 minutes
Fewer than 1 in 100 people experience panic attacks
In one study, 1.7% of people were found to have panic disorder
5% of women and 2% of men live with anxiety disorders, including panic disorder

What causes them?

Panic attacks have numerous triggers, and various other things can contribute. It will vary from person to person. If you find it challenging to identify what is causing yours, keep a diary after each. Note where you were, what you were doing and thinking so you can look for patterns.

Certain places or activities may trigger your panic attacks, as well as stressors like demanding appointments or phobias.

You could be experiencing ongoing stress caused by significant life changes, like starting a new job or moving house. You may have recently lost someone or gone through a relationship break-up.

Panic attacks are also a side effect of some medications and withdrawal from drugs or alcohol. If you consume a lot of caffeine, the high intake could be causing your panic attacks.

Some people are more likely to experience panic attacks than others. If you’ve experienced traumatic events or have a family history of panic disorder, this may increase your chances. Women are slightly more likely than men to develop panic disorder.

Chronic illnesses, long-term stress and pre-existing mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders, can all contribute to panic attacks. Your risk will also increase if you are struggling with anxiety, a lack of assertiveness or low self-esteem.

A lack of sleep will exacerbate panic attacks. If you’re unable to express your emotions properly or have a tendency to think negatively, this can also increase your levels of anxiety and sustain panic attacks.

What are the symptoms & effects?

Common symptoms of panic attacks include:

  • Strong feelings of fear, dread, danger or foreboding
  • Fear of losing control, going mad, or dying
  • Anxious and irrational thinking
  • Trembling, shaking or sweating
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Chest pain or feeling like your chest is being constricted
  • Breathing difficulties, including shortness of breath
  • Lightheadedness and dizziness
  • Hot flushes
  • Tingling and chills, especially in the arms and hands
  • Nausea or abdominal distress
  • Tense muscles
  • Dry mouth
  • Feelings of unreality and detachment from the environment
  • Fatigue or post-attack weariness

Left untreated, recurrent and prolonged panic attacks can have severely disabled effects. They can cause you to avoid leaving your home or being alone due to the fear of experiencing an attack.

It’s crucial for you to seek a professional diagnosis as panic attack symptoms overlap with other conditions. Always consult a healthcare professional if you are uncertain about your symptoms or someone else’s.

How can they be managed?

During a panic attack

When you’re facing a panic attack, it’s important to steer clear of negative self-talk. Acknowledge that the symptoms are uncomfortable but not life-threatening. Think back to past experiences for grounding reassurance, reminding yourself that you will get through this.

Redirect your focus by doing something, like counting backwards. Try to resist the urge to run away from whatever you’re facing. This will demonstrate to yourself that panic attacks are manageable and help you build confidence.

In daily life

Make it a priority to take care of yourself and reduce stress. Relaxation techniques such as PMR, mindfulness or yoga can reduce daily stressors. Talk with someone you trust so you can express your concerns. Combining these will enhance your coping mechanisms and help to prevent future panic attacks.

Treatment options

Consider talking therapy, which centres on how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes influence your feelings and behaviour. It provides you with coping skills to help you deal with different problems effectively. Applied relaxation therapy teaches the art of muscle relaxation in situations where anxiety typically arises.

Your doctor may suggest prescribing medication to reduce your symptoms, such as antidepressants, anti-seizure drugs or beta-blockers. Some people find that a combination of talking therapies and medication is beneficial. However, remember that medications can have side effects, and there is a potential addiction risk, so they shouldn’t be your sole solution.


How can hypnotherapy help?

Clinical hypnotherapy for panic attacks typically needs at least 6-8 sessions and is tailored to address your individual nuances. The goal is to reduce the impact of your anxiety and panic attacks by providing you with coping strategies.

Hypnotherapy sessions also work to rebuild your self-belief, promote greater confidence and diminish fear. This enables you to access a tranquil mental state and a greater ability to manage overwhelming emotions.

Hypnosis for panic attacks is similar to anxiety hypnotherapy. It directs suggestions to your subconscious, specifically tackling causes and triggers. It induces deep relaxation, reducing your stress and anxiety. The focus is on changing your body’s physiological and psychological reactions to stressors.

Our Panic Attacks Specialists

Benn Baker-Pollard


Carmen Harrington

Market Harborough

Caroline Prout


Claire Noyelle


Dawn Ibbetson


Emma Bancroft

Rainham, Kent

Emma Treby

Mid Devon

Gary Johannes


Jill Whitehouse

Newcastle upon Tyne

Keeley Smith


Kerry Seymour


Peter Ely


Victoria Anderson

County Durham

Why Choose Inspired To Change

Our solution focused hypnotherapists empower you to better understand your brain, helping to guide you towards solutions and achieve the outcomes you want. We have a team of fully trained hypnotherapists, giving you the choice of who to work with and how you want to work with them. Solution focused hypnotherapy is just as effective in-person or online in the comfort of your own home, so you can find the ideal therapist to help you reach your goals.

Every one of our hypnotherapists is recognised by governing bodies like the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association. They have all trained with Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy Training, one of the leading hypnotherapy schools in the UK.

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