Hypnotherapy For Psoriasis

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What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated ailment that causes visible inflammation with raised plaques and scales on the skin. It is the result of an overactive immune system that accelerates skin cell growth. This causes cells to accumulate on the skin’s surface within three to four days instead of the usual month.

With inflammatory diseases like psoriasis the intricate relationship between the body and the mind becomes particularly apparent. Research indicates a strong association between psoriasis and mental health comorbidities such as anxiety and depression.

Effectively managing stress is crucial for preventing psoriasis flare-ups due to the link between skin cells and the nervous system. This makes hypnotherapy for psoriasis a potential solution and relief avenue for various psoriasis sufferers.

Psoriasis affects between 2% and 3% of the UK population.
here are 9 types of psoriasis that affect men, women and children
Psoriasis may develop at any age but is most common between 20 and 30 or 50 and 60
You are more likely to develop psoriasis if other members of your family have it

What causes it?

Recent research suggests psoriasis-related skin changes stem from an overactive immune system: specifically, activated T cells. These T cells imitate responses typical of fighting infections or healing wounds, leading to the production of inflammatory chemicals. This accelerates the rapid growth of skin cells, resulting in psoriatic plaques.

Psoriasis is often called an ‘autoimmune disease’ or ‘immune-mediated condition’” with the initial trigger not fully understood. While some people may have a genetic predisposition, it’s not universal. Psoriasis flare-ups can be triggered by factors like stress, anxiety, skin injuries, hormonal changes, or certain infections or medications. Around one-third of people develop the condition before reaching the age of 16.

What are the symptoms & effects?

Patches typically appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back, though they can appear anywhere on the body. Most people experience only small, non-bothersome patches. However, in some cases, these patches may be accompanied by itchiness or soreness.

Psoriasis can make you feel embarrassed and you may withdraw from social situations because of the fear of judgement. It can also negatively impact self-image, affecting confidence in your physical appearance.

Discomfort can limit clothing choices, further affecting self-esteem. This may lead you to avoid certain clothing, exacerbating self-consciousness. Additionally, psoriasis-related discomfort can discourage physical activity and make it hard to exercise.

How can it be managed?

Typically, the initial treatment involves solutions applied directly to the skin, such as vitamin D analogues or corticosteroid creams. If these prove ineffective or the condition is more severe, phototherapy may be recommended, exposing the skin to specific types of ultraviolet light.

Support groups for individuals with psoriasis, such as the Psoriasis Association, can help you connect with people facing the same condition. You can have conversations and share experiences with others who have first-hand knowledge of the challenges of managing psoriasis.

How can hypnotherapy help?

Stress is a known factor in psoriasis flare-ups, and hypnosis proves effective in promoting calmness and confidence. In many cases, a cycle ensues where stress triggers psoriasis, and the presence of psoriasis intensifies stress. Through solution-focused hypnotherapy, we target the root causes of inflammation. This enables hypnotherapy for psoriasis to enhance calmness, relaxation, self-confidence and overall well-being, particularly in cases where stress triggers flare-ups.

Our Psoriasis Specialists

Carmen Harrington

Market Harborough

Caroline Prout


Claire Noyelle


Dawn Ibbetson


Emma Treby

Mid Devon

Gary Johannes


Jill Whitehouse

Newcastle upon Tyne

Keeley Smith


Kerry Seymour


Why Choose Inspired To Change

Our solution focused hypnotherapists empower you to better understand your brain, helping to guide you towards solutions and achieve the outcomes you want. We have a team of fully trained hypnotherapists, giving you the choice of who to work with and how you want to work with them. Solution focused hypnotherapy is just as effective in-person or online in the comfort of your own home, so you can find the ideal therapist to help you reach your goals.

Every one of our hypnotherapists is recognised by governing bodies like the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association. They have all trained with Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy Training, one of the leading hypnotherapy schools in the UK.

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