What is adult bedwetting?
Nocturnal enuresis, commonly known as bedwetting, presents unique challenges for people of all ages. For adults, it can be particularly distressing, often continuing from childhood or developing later in life.
Adult bedwetting can have different causes than in children, including medical conditions that require professional evaluation. Anxiety and depression can also play a role, although the exact relationship isn’t always clear.
Bedwetting affects about 2-3% of adults and can have a significant impact on emotional and social wellbeing. If you’re experiencing this, it’s important to know you’re not alone and help is available. With the right treatment, adult bedwetting is highly manageable and improvement is achievable.
1% of adults wet the bed
Primary enuresis is thought to affect 1 – 2% of all adults
What causes bedwetting in adults?
Adult bedwetting can have various underlying causes, ranging from medical conditions to lifestyle factors, with women twice as likely to be affected than men. Some common causes include urinary tract obstructions, diabetes, sleep apnoea, hormonal imbalances, and neurological conditions. Even certain habits like drinking caffeine or alcohol before bed can contribute to the problem.
Seeking professional medical advice is essential for identifying the specific cause of your bedwetting and finding the right treatment. Understanding the underlying factors can help you regain control and improve your quality of life.
What are the effects of bedwetting as an adult?
Adult bedwetting can have a profound effect on your daily life, often causing feelings of embarrassment and frustration. It’s not just about the wet bed—this condition can affect your physical and emotional wellbeing, your work, and your relationships.
Daytime Impact
Bedwetting can interrupt your sleep, leaving you feeling tired and unfocused. This can affect your performance at work and make it harder to stay alert throughout the day.
Emotional and Social Effects
Bedwetting can lead to feelings of shame and lower self-esteem, making it difficult to participate in social activities. Many people feel isolated because they don’t want to talk about their condition, which can add to the emotional strain.
Impact on Personal Relationships
If you share a bed with a partner, bedwetting can create tension and anxiety. You may worry about judgement or misunderstanding, which can affect intimacy and communication in your relationship.
Finding Support
Addressing these concerns is crucial for improving your well-being. Seeking professional help can provide you with solutions that work for you. Treatments such as hypnotherapy can be particularly effective in managing the stress and anxiety that often come with bedwetting, helping you regain control and confidence in your daily life.
How can it be managed?
Managing bedwetting as an adult involves a combination of lifestyle changes, medical treatments, and emotional support. You can use several practical strategies to help you take control.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Reducing how much you drink in the evening can help minimise bedwetting, as can setting an alarm to use the bathroom during the night. You should avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible as these can irritate the bladder and increase the risk of accidents.
Medical Treatments
There are medicines that can help manage overactive bladders or address hormonal imbalances, if this is what is causing your bedwetting. In more persistent cases, surgical options like sacral nerve stimulation may provide long-term relief
Behavioural Changes
Bladder training involves learning techniques to increase bladder control, which can be effective. You can also use an enuresis alarm. These alarms help wake you up at the start of urination, training your body to respond better at night.
Supportive Measures
Absorbent nightwear and protective clothing can help manage bedwetting while you work on a longer-term solution. Having a supportive network around you also makes a big difference. Encouragement and understanding from loved ones are crucial.
Medical Advice
If other strategies don’t work or if your bedwetting persists, it’s time to seek medical advice. Your healthcare provider can help create a personalised plan to manage your condition effectively.
How can hypnotherapy help?
Solution-focused hypnotherapy is a modern approach that helps you manage bedwetting by addressing the subconscious mind. It’s especially useful when stress or anxiety is contributing to the issue.
Hypnotherapy for bedwetting in adults helps your mind respond better to the signals from your bladder, even during deep sleep. Through regular sessions, you’ll start to see improvements in your bladder control, with many people noticing changes within 6 to 10 sessions.
If anxiety is a factor in your bedwetting, hypnotherapy can help reduce your stress levels. By promoting positive thinking and focusing on solutions, hypnotherapy for bedwetting in adults helps you break the cycle of and regain control over your life.
Each session is tailored to your needs, helping you make lasting changes at your own pace. The supportive environment of hypnotherapy nurtures your confidence, helping you feel more in control.

Our Adult Bedwetting Specialists
Why Choose Inspired To Change
Our solution focused hypnotherapists empower you to better understand your brain, helping to guide you towards solutions and achieve the outcomes you want. We have a team of fully trained hypnotherapists, giving you the choice of who to work with and how you want to work with them. Solution focused hypnotherapy is just as effective in-person or online in the comfort of your own home, so you can find the ideal therapist to help you reach your goals.
Every one of our hypnotherapists is recognised by governing bodies like the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association. They have all trained with Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy Training, one of the leading hypnotherapy schools in the UK.